- Globalisation of Vedic Learning
- Dissemination of the message of
Indian Culture marked by universal
peace and global fraternity.
- Decipherment of Sanskrit and
Buddhist Text for the purpose of
extracting scientific and technological
- Creation of a band of Scholars
having deep penetration into
ancient wisdom and possessing a
scientific insight.
- Dove-tailing ancient knowledge
and modern knowledge.
- Comparative analysis of cultures
of nations believing in the same
- Effecting World Renaissance.
- Implementation of the ideal of
'One-humanity one nation' through
cultivation of spirituality.
- Setting up of World Culture.
the Indian Tradition and its deep cultural
heritage his holiness Sree Sree Thakur
Sitaramdas Omkarnathji declared Let
Sanskrit be spread all over the World . In
its obedience and on the basis of the
honour of Sanskrit Sree Sree Sitaramdas
Omkarnath Sanskrit Siksha Samsad was
established with a view to importing
lessons on the traditional Vedas and
Upanishads. Gradually in conformity with
the gradual development of science and
technological sides Computer Application
method as well as...